Page 129 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 129

Match the teacher’s comments (a-c) to the concluding     Do this writing task. Write between 140 and 190 words.
            paragraphs in Exercise 4.                                Before you write, make a plan. When you write, use the
            a  A good brief final paragraph where your opinion is    essay in Exercise 3 as a model.
               clearly stated and you summarise the main arguments
               of your essay.                                         In your English class,you have been talkingabout how
                                                                      interested youngpeople are in health and fitness. Now
            b This concludingparagraph doesn’t seem to sum up         your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
               the arguments you expressed in the main part of the
               essay,but it sums up other arguments. What a pity,     Write your essay usingall the notes and giving reasons
               because it’s well written!                             for your point of view.
            c  You’re giving an opinion which is not exactly           Essay question
               connected with the essay question. Also, your final
               sentence introduces a new argument which hasn’t         Youngpeople generally don’t pay enough attention
               been dealt with in the main part of the essay, so it’s  to their health and fitness.Do you agree?
               not really a conclusion.                                Notes
                                                                       Write about:
            If you ’re not sure how to begin a paragraph, you can
                                                                          1. physical exercise
            begin with a sentence which:
                                                                          2. other habits which affect health
            •  says what the paragraph will contain                       3.               (your own idea)
            •  relates the paragraph to the previous paragraph.
                                                                      Write your essay.
                Look at the opening sentences (a and b) from
                paragraphs 2 and 3 of the sample answer in Exercise
                3 and answer the questions.
            a There are many parts of our lifestyles which enable us
               to live healthily.
            b However, there are things which prevent people from
               having a healthy lifestyle.

            1 What information will each paragraph contain?                                                                PDF from
            2 Which word relates one of the paragraphs to the
               previous paragraph?
            Write opening sentences for paragraphs which will
            1 some advantages of findingmedical information
            2  some disadvantages of modern diets
            3  reasons exercise is important
            4 dangers of taking too much exercise

            Work in groups. Discuss whether you agree or disagree
            with the statement in the essay question in Exercise 9.
            You can talk about:
            •  diet
            •  sport and exercise
            •  free-time activities.

                                                                                                     Medical matters
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