Page 188 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 188


         type of adverb                   position                                    example
         manner         They usually go in the end position.        He drank hurriedly.
         (how)          They sometimes go in the mid-position if the  She hurriedly drank her coffee and left without
                        adverb is not the most important part of the clause speaking.
                        or if the predicate is very long.
         place          They usually go in the end position.        Couldyou please move over there?
         (where)        They can occasionally go in the front position,  We ll be sitting on the sofo over there.
                        especially in writing.                      Inside, there was a lot of antique furniture.
         time           They usually go in the end position.        I’m leaving for the Antarctic next week.
         (when)         They occasionally go in the front position,  Tonight, I’m going to complete my project! I
                        especially if we want to emphasise the adverb.  promise!

         duration       They usually go in the end position.        I con assure you that the meeting won’t last long.
         (how long)
         frequency      They can usually go in mid, front and end position.  We often eat out at the weekend.
         (how often)    But always, ever and never do not usually go in the  I usually have a late breakfast at the weekend.
                        front position.                             Occasionally, we went deep-sea fishing while on
                                                                    We don ' t hear the neighbours very often now.
                                                                    I could never type very fast.
                                                                    Not: Nevet- cot-tld I type very fast.
         degree         Really, very and quite usually go in the mid -position. I really admire his ability tospeak in public with
         (how much)     A lotand a bit usually go in the end position.  such confidence.
                                                                    We go skiing in Scotland a lot.                        PDF from
                                                                    I must admit that I’d like to change the recipe a bit.
         viewpoint      They usually go outside the clause,often at the  Personally, I’d rather not go out this evening.
         (opinion)      beginning.
         evaluative     They usually go outside the clause,often at the  Unfortunately, I’d forgotten my sports gear,so I had
                        beginning.                                  to sit on the side and watch the match.

       0 Choose the best place, A or B, for the adverb in each sentence.

          1 _[A]_ she_[B]_ left the meetingbefore the chairperson  5 _[A]_ I can’t support your application _[B]_ for the
            started making her closingremarks , (quickly)            post of assistant manager , (personally)

          2 Can you arrive for the interview_[A] _ at _[B]_ eight  6  _[A]_ all the documents relating to the purchase of the
            o’clock? We want to make a prompt start with the         property _[B]_ were destroyed in a fire, (apparently)
            selection process , (exactly)
                                                                  7 Everybody else has had their test results,but I haven’t
          3 _[A]_ what his role as a careers adviser is all about    heard anything yet, so _[A]_ l haven’t_[B]_ passed,
            is making sure that his clients receive up-to-date       (presumably)
            information to _[B]_ match their specific needs,      8 It was _[A]_ made clear in the letter to all staff that
                                                                     bonuses would _[B]_ be suspended for the rest of the
          4 There is an expectation that effective managers should   year because of the company’s weak financial position,
            _[A]_ speak_[B]_ totheir staff about their strengths and  (regrettably)
            weaknesses and offer sound advice on how to improve ,
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