Page 211 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 211
SPEAKING PART 3 O Read and listen to Pablo and Marina completing the task.
0 How many of the prompts do they discuss? Do they both
Q Read about Part 3 of the Speaking paper. express their opinions?
Part 3 of the Speaking paper lasts for about three minutes, Pablo: 1 Shail we start with tennis courts? This sounds
and you work with a partner. In Part 3: like a good idea. A lot of people like playing
• the examiner will explain an imaginary situation to you, tennis.
then give you a piece of paper with written prompts that 2
show different ideas or possibilities Marina: I can see what you mean,but not everyone likes
• you must talk with your partner and discuss the prompts, tennis,and a lot of people go on holiday to relax,
so they perhaps don' t want to do sport.
giving your opinions about the different prompts
3 Ithink a swimmingpool might be a better idea,
• you do not have to discuss all the prompts,but you
should discuss most of them because people of all ages can use a swimming
• there is no right or wrong answer to the task pool.Do you agree?
• the examiner will then ask you to try to reach agreement Pablo: , JYes,you’re right. Ihadn’t thought about that.
about something,and you do this with your partner I agree that a swimming pool’s a good idea
• you do not have to reach agreement with your partner, because people like to sit by it even if they
but you should try. don’t swim. What do you think about the idea
0 Read the tips. of reduced prices? I think that would make a
To get a good mark in Part 3 of the Speaking paper: Marina: Yes,that’s true.There are so many hotels to
• you should talk to your partner and listen to your choose from,and people usually look at the
partner - it is important to have a conversation with price and try to find a bargain.But I m not sure
your partner,rather than just expressing your own ideas that price is enough on its own because people
• you should make suggestions and respond to are often happy to pay a bit more money for a
suggestions that your partner makes hotel with better facilities.
• you should express your own opinions on the different
prompts and respond to your partner ’ s opinions Pablo: JYes,I agree.I think eveningentertainment
might be a good idea,though.That’s a bit
• you should give reasons for your opinions different, too,because not many hotels offer it.
• you should try to reach agreement with your partner PDF from
when the examiner asks you to. Marina: Yes, andit would be good if they offered
entertainment for children too,not just adults.
0 Read the exam task and read how the examiner will Pablo: Yes,I completely agree with you. Do you think
introduce it. What question do you have to discuss? How that having an award -winning chef would
many prompts are there for you to discuss? attract customers?
Examiner: I’d like you to imagine that a hotel wants to Marina: Yes, I do.Everyone loves good food, but a lot of
attract more guests.Here are some ideas hotels don’t have very good restaurants. They
they’re thinkingabout.Talk to each other about could also open the restaurant to everyone,but
why these ideas would attract more guests to offer cheaper prices for guests.
the hotel. Pablo: 5 That’s a good idea.I think that would definitely
encourage more people to stay at the hotel.
Make suggestions to movethe discussion to the different prompts.
2 Use polite expressions if you disagree with your partner.
a swimming
tennis courts
pool 3 Giveyourown opinion, and give reasonsto support it.
-v How might 4 Ask for your partner’s opinion.
these things 5 Use a range of different expressions to agree with your partner.
attract more
guests to a
an award -
winning reduced prices
chef in the
Speaking bank