Page 62 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 62
Work alone and write a plan for your essay. Then
Work in pairs. Decide which of you will be Student A and
compare your plan with your partner ’s.
which Student B. Take some time to think about how you
will answer your questions below. Then take turns to ask
Read Marina’s essay plan and then answer the
your partner the questions in their box.
Questions for Student A 1 Has she repeated a lot of the language from the task
• Tell me about the school you go/went to? in her plan? Why? / Why not?
• What would you like to study in the future if you had 2 How longdo you think it took her to write the plan?
the chance? (Why?)
3 Has she covered all the points in the task? Why is this
• How much homework do studentsin your country important?
generally do? (Do you think that’s too much?)
(Why?/Why not?)
• Can you tell me what you most enjoy about learning ParaA: Brief intro — present situation: more
English? (Why do you like that?) contact with oilier countries, more travel
• Tell me about the best teacher you’ve ever had. — mi ] view: essential
Questions for Student B
Para.2: Necessari ] to get a job ; useful for
• Do you prefer studying alone or with other people? (Why?) international work
• Can you remember your first day at school?
(Tell me about it.) Para.3: Going abroad — speaking with local
• Would you like to study in a different country? people: more enjoyable + gou learn more
(Why? / Why not?) Para.4: Using the internet - mainlij in English:
• How important are examsin your country? (Why?) essential information for all aspects of
• How important is learningEnglish to you? (Why?) life — give examples
Para.5: Conclusion — mi ] opinion: people who
can t speak foreign long , have fewer
• Listen carefully to the questions and make
sure your answers are relevant. opportunities.
• Where possible, give reasons for your PDF from
^ paragraphs below (1 -3).
answer and/or add some extra information. Work in groups. Read three students’ opening
• Which paragraph do you think is the best? Why?
Writing Part 1: An essay • What is wrong with the other two paragraphs?
Page 192 Writing bank 1 Although most young people spend many hours at
An essay
school learning a foreign language, usually English, I
for most of them the result is that they do not learn to \
Work in pairs. Read the writing task and discuss the essay
speak it well and all this time is wasted. Instead, they
question. Make a note of all your ideas and opinions.
could be learning mathematics or computer science,
which are both really useful subjects. Is learning a
In your English class,you have been talkingabout what foreign language a useful school subject? I will give
subjects should be compulsory at secondary school. you my opinion at the end.
Now your English teacher has asked you to write an -
essay. H m the past, only educated people in high society learn to
speak foreign languages .This was mainly because only they
Write an essay usingallthe notes and give reasons for could afford an education. However , as time has passed,
your point of view. education has become available to all children , and foreign-
All youngpeople should study a foreign language as language learning has become increasingly common. Wy
part of their education. do young people have to study foreign languages , and how /
do they benefit from doingso? That s the question.
Do you agree?
In the modern world, we have to work and commL. unicate
Write about: with people from other countries. For this reason,I
1 . working life : believe that learning a foreign language is an essential
2. travel and holidays part of modern education.
3. (yourown idea)