Page 78 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 78

Reading and Use of English Part 6

       ^    Work in pairs. You are going to read an article by a  the margin about the subject of each paragraph.
                                                                Read the article carefully and make a short note in
            former club runner who has discovered a new event.
            First, read the title and the subheading in italics. What  An example has been done for you.
            do you expect to find out by readingthe article?

          Looking for something                   I’ve been into running since I was a child. At 14, I was one of the best
                                                   runners in my city and found myself competing in races all over the
          a little different?                      country. WhenI turned 18, 1 ran my first half-marathon and loved it.I
                                                   then ran my first full marathon last year. I was pleased to have done
          Try a Tough Mudder.                      it, but the hours of training that I’d had to do in preparation for the  pve .oiou<s
                                                   race had left me somewhat bored with running on the road. 1
                                                   So when I read about a brand new challenge that involved running,  running
          Sam Park talks about his experience of
                                                  I jumped at the chance. Tough Mudders’ , as they are known, are a
                                                                                                             tyCpi' titHCl
          Tough Mudder, the ultimate test of stamina,  growing trend in racing. Competitors have to overcome a number of
                                                   obstacles on a muddy course, which is designed to push you both
          skill and endurance.
                                                   physically and mentally. Unsurprisingly, it was advertised as the
                                                   ultimate test of endurance, so I just knew I had to give it a try .
                                                   Being unfamiliar with this format of running, I wanted to find out more
                                                   about it. I spoke to a few people who’d already competed in a Tough
                                                   Mudder.They told me what to expect , which helped me identify how
                                                   best to organise my preparation. 2  So I felt that I was in good
                                                   shape and would hopefully set a good time. Unfortunately for me, this
                                                   was like nothing else I’d done before.
                                                   Running on mud is a lot more difficult than running on the road
                                                   and, at around 15 kilometres, the races are a real ordeal. If that’s    PDF from
                                                   not challenging enough, each course tends to feature around 25
                                                   obstacles. The first obstacle was pretty daunting: competitors had
                                                   to climb a six-metre wooden wall with the aid of a rope. Sadly, this
                                                   turned out to be one of the easiest along the course. By far the most
                                                   difficult was one where you had to crawl along watery, muddy ground.
                                                   That may not sound like much, but there are live electrical wires
                                                   hanging over you as you work your way through it. 3  However ,
                                                   as long as you follow the rules, you’ll be ok.
                                                  To ensure that none of the competitors come to any harm, there are
                                                   a number of volunteers on hand throughout the course to ensure that
                                                   obstacles are tackled correctly and safely. They aren’t the only people
                                                   there to support you. 4  Joining forces with other competitors
                                                   really helps you stay motivated and gives you an extra energy boost
                                                   when you start feeling tired.
                                                   At times, I felt I just wasn’t fit enough to get through all the challenges.
                                                  This was particularly the case a few minutes into the race. 5  j
                                                  I also picked up a strain to my leg, and I was in some discomfort.
                                                   Despite that, I kept going, even though I risked injuring myself further.

                                                  I ’ve always been capable of applying my willpower and usually have a
                                                   strong desire to win , but this was probably one of the most exhausting
                                                   experiences of my life.[ _ 6  Nevertheless, I was delighted when I
                                                   finally finished the race and felt a real sense of achievement at having
                                                   overcome such a physically and mentally challenging competition.
                                                  I ’ m now having a well-earned rest. However, I know that I’ll be
                                                   desperate to get out there again and will be taking part in another
                                                  Tough Mudder as soon as my legs have recovered.
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