Page 84 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 84

/P/ Pronunciation: intonation (2)                                                         impact on the
             You will make a good impression in the exam if you           cost
             sound interested and enthusiastic about what you
             discuss.You can use intonation to show your interest.                       Should    v\
                                                                                       people spend
             Listen to how the voices rise and fall on the                              more time
             highlighted words.                                                         travelling
             Simon: And me! I actually think this is one the                             to other
                    biggest reasons why people don’t do enough        understanding     countries?
                    exercise. The temptation to chill out at home     other cultures                       time
                    after a busy day is just too high.OK,so what
                    do you think about the idea that playing                        r
                    sport helps you to develop important skills?                        improving
             Maria: I think that’s a really important point. It’s a                       skills
                    good opportunity to learn new skills which
                    you can use in other areas of life,such as
                    at school or at work. Things like teamwork  e    Now follow the examiner ’s instructions for the second
                    and leadership skills are a big part of sport    part of Speaking Part 3.
                    and these can easily be transferred to our
                    everyday lives.Don’t you agree?
                                                                      “ Now you have a minute to decide what you think is
             Now work in pairs and read the extract aloud. Take       the most important reason when deciding whether to
             turns as Simon and Maria.                                travel to another country. "

            Work in pairs. Follow the examiner’s instructions for the  Writing Part 2: An article
            second part of Speaking Part 3.

                                                                  Page 196 WritingBank
             “ Now you have a minute to decide what the best
                                                                  An article
             reason is for people to spend more of their free time
             playing sport. "                                        Read this writingtask. Underline the points you must  PDF from
                                                                     deal with in your answer.

          • When you discuss the first part of the task, you don't    You see this notice on your college noticeboard.
            need to talk about all of the options, but you should
            make suggestions, ask your partner ’s opinion and           The editors of the college magazine would like
            respond to your partner’s ideas.                            contributions to the magazine on the following
          • When you discuss the second part of the task, it’s not      subject:
            necessary to reach agreement, but you should:               A great way to keep fit
                                                                        Describe a sporting activity or form of exercise
              - discuss which option(s) to choose and give reasons      you enjoy,how you started and why you would
               for choice(s)                                            recommend it to other people.
              - listen and respond to what your partner                 The writer of the best article will receive ten tickets
               says. Don’t be afraid to disagree politely               to the local cinema.
               as this can lead to a good discussion.
                                                                      Write your article.

            Work in pairs. Take about two minutes to do the first
            part of the speaking task below.                    e    Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
                                                                     •  How could you express ideas to deal with the points
             “ I d like you to talk about something together for
                                                                       you have underlined in the task?
             about two minutes. Some people think that everyone
                                                                     •  Which ideas would you use in your article?
             should spend more time travelling to other countries.
             Here are some things they think about and a question    Read the article and answer the question.
             for you to discuss. First you have some time to look
                                                                     •  What doesthe writer enjoy about his way of taking
             at the task. Now, talk to each other about whether        exercise? Why?
             people should spend more time travelling to other
             countries. "
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