Page 2 - Newsletter Parashat Noach
P. 2
Name: Eldar Cohen A fact about me: I’m a
My Family: I am the fourth
out of six siblings Life motto: Do with your
(4 girls and 2 boys). life what you want, not
My father is a bus driver, what others want you to
and my mother works in do.
In addition, I have 3
My Home: I live in
Moshav Carmei Katif
What I did last year:
I studied at the Hesder
Yeshiva in Sderot.
If you would like to host the Kollel Guys for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal
Please E-mail
or for the Bat Ami Girls-
Flood – Mabool - ָמּבּול
For example- -לדוגמה
And I, behold I am bringing the flood, ַה ַמּבּול- ִהְנִני ֵמ ִביא ֶאת,וֲַאִני
water upon the earth, to destroy all
flesh in which there is the spirit of life, ּבֹו-ָּב ָשר ֲא ֶשר- ְל ַש ֵחת ָכל, ָהָא ֶרץ-ַמִים ַעל
from beneath the heavens, all that is , ִמ ַת ַחת ַה ָש ָמִים,רּו ַח ַחִיים
upon the earth will perish. . ִיְגוָע,ָּבָא ֶרץ-כֹּל ֲא ֶשר
Noach 6:17 נח ו' י"ז