Page 14 - Spring 18
P. 14

 IAVH at the WVA congress – Barcelona, May 2018 Reports by Petra Weiermayer and Edward de Beukelaer
 Edward De Beukelaer and myself, attended the 34th Congress of the WVA, World Veterinary Association on behalf of the IAVH.
After president’s report, financial report, subcommittee’s reports, a very interesting workshop about the challenges faced by WVA and its future goals took place. Edward and I had the opportunity to mention the importance of veterinary homeopathy several times to the Council members of WVA. At some points we were faced with sceptics, at several points we faced open-minded and interested colleagues, several of them being quite convinced that veterinary homeopathy offers a great possibility to help in resolving the many issues veterinary world and more globally the whole world is confronted with like antimicrobial resistance. Also, the writing up of a position paper on veterinary homeopathy, which was already proposed by IAVH to WVA some months ago, was confirmed to be a near future goal of WVA.
Following the general assembly my presentation on a ‘Wound healing disorder in a horse, associated with anti- microbial resistant bacteria, resolved by a homeopathic medicine’ was scheduled. It was an honor for me to
be one of 95 speakers at this globally recognized congress! Even more it was a good opportunity to show the successful treatment of a wound healing disorder post- surgery associated with antimicrobial resistant bacteria with silicea terra C30 administered once a day orally for three days which led to an immediate healing of the wound – putrid inflammation, seroma, oedema, necrosis were all gone within some days. Several students from the IAVS, International Association for Veterinary Students including its President, Natalie Tod as well as the President of the BVA, British Veterinary Association, Peter Fishwick and many more veterinarians from all over the world attended my presentation. Another talk scheduled at my session, presented by Professor Krzysztof Marycz dealing with
research on cell therapy in horses with Equine Metabolic Syndrome, was also of great interest.
After our session Professor Marycz, from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences proposed a cooperation on basic research in cells on homeopathy. We will follow on this also by getting in contact with Alexander Tournier from the HRI, Homeopathy Research Institute as well as Stefan Baumgartner from WissHom and Michel Van Wassenhoven from the ECH, European Committee for Homeopathy. It is all about bringing people together who are open-minded, experienced researchers, focusing on the research topic without being biased by prejudgment!
Another very interesting and inspiring talk was the one of Professor Johanna Fink-Gremmels from the Netherlands about ‘Meeting the growing demand for proteins: challenges for the veterinary profession‘. Its main message was that bacterial infections are all based on an impaired microbiome, and that is the responsibility of the veterinary profession to teach farmers/animal owners how to support development of physiological microbiome after birth. Another strong message was that early life treatment with antimicrobials means impairment of the microbiome development and biodiversity, leading to lifelong antimicrobial dependency. Intestinal tissue determines 60- 70% of the immune response/competence! Her messages go along with what was found out in many different studies, namely that there are several environmental factors surrounding us which lead to antimicrobial resistance and

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