Page 25 - Spring 18
P. 25

 medical-biological field, He mentioned the biological principles that govern all processes that have been the so called "diseases", both in animals and in humans. These principles yield precise information on the behaviour of the underlying physiological processes in diseases, based on embryology and biological evolution reflected in the phylogeny. At the same time it provides extremely accurate elements to assess what is happening in our body elements. The fifth biological law or "Quintessence" states that each "disease" is part of a special program of nature with significant biology that can be understood through the evolution of life. Both ordinary physiological programs of our body (which make up the whole normal physiology), as well as special programs SBS (describing a special physiology biological sense) have been integrated through millions and millions of years, within our evolution and are therefore quite sensible. In fact, there is nothing "evil" or "benign" in all this, they are only useful processes to survive and evolve. The "diseases" then stop being bad and / or incidental phenomena that nature has not provided, appearing as phenomena perfectly programmed agencies giving them the opportunity to get ahead when they are abruptly presented with a situation that involves threat to the survival of the individual and species. Regarding Cushing's disease, this paper will attempt to clarify its biological sense, one that allows the patient to adapt to the family.
Cushing's disease, Conflict, Electromagnetic Field, "External Body Somatization", New Germanic Medicine, biological sense.
accompanying her guardian for 1 year, who died of bladder and larynx cancer. From that moment, "Violet" was very sad.
Previous illnesses: hypothyroidism, bladder stones
Behavioural symptoms: independent / indifferent, retracted, sensitive to noise of storms, motorcycles, suspicious. She loves to spy on everybody, very curious, distrustful, not aggressive, non-destructive.
Understanding thanks to the evidence of clinical cases the factors predisposing the onset of Cushing's disease and propose a different concept of the disease, considering it a great ally, with biological sense, that allows the patient to survive conflict situations.
Patients and methods
In this paper several clinical cases have a common denominator, difficult to define, a common conflict but different in nature; this could be described as "carry a heavy burden," which generates chronic stress on the patient. Faced with this state of permanent alert, the Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Adrenal axis is stimulated, resulting in an increase level of plasmatic cortisol, which eventually causes the pathognomonic symptoms of Cushing's disease.
Case N° 1 (20/08/15): "Violeta" Scottish terrier, 7 years. Complaint: pituitary macro adenoma.
Biopatographic history: the patient took the place of "symbolic daughter" of a human couple without children,
General symptoms: desire for sweets, sensitive to cold temperatures.
Organic symptoms: polyphagia, polyuria, polydipsia, haematuria, urinary stones made of calcium oxalate, weight gain.
Repertorisation: ailments from grief; suspicious; spying everything; sweets, desire for; bladder, calculi.
Being an indifferent, withdrawn and sensitive to cold temperature animal, I chose Sepia as probable constitutional remedy.
Prescription: Sepia 1 LM
• Pituitary gland 10 M, 7 drops every 12 hours. • Liver 4 CH, 7 drops every 12 hours.
• Vitamin C, 1 gr. every 24 hours.
• Cranberry juice, 1 cup per day.
• Natural food.
Concerning the conventional medication, I indicated to suspend ketoconazole, isotretinoin, silymarin and fenofibrate, but continue T4, 100 mg / day.
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