Page 14 - Winter 19-20
P. 14

   European Antibiotics Day 2019
Anlässlich des am 18. November 2019 vom Gesundheitsministerium ausgerichteten Symposiums zum Europäischen Antibiotikatag 2019 mahnte Gesundheitsministerin Mag. Dr. Brigitte Zarfl einen noch sorgsameren Umgang beim Einsatz von Antibiotika ein: “Antibiotikaresistenzen sind eine Gesundheitsgefahr für Mensch und Tier, die global bekämpft werden muss.” Einen interessanten Beitrag im Rahmen des Symposiums trug.
ÖGVH-Präsidentin Dr. Petra Weiermayer vor. Der große Nutzen der Homöopathie ist in der Biolandwirtschaft zu sehen. Seit mehreren Jahren verlangt die EU-Bioverordnung den bevorzugten Einsatz von Homöopathie und Phytotherapie in Biobetrieben. Und es zeigt sich, dass VeterinärmedizinerInnen mit komplementärmedizinischer Ausbildung signifikant weniger Antibiotika als rein konventionell arbeitende KollegInnen verschrei- ben – mit gleichem Erfolg! “Aber der Einsatz von Homöopathie in der Nutztierhaltung hat noch weitere Vorteile”, resümierte die Fachtierärztin: “Es gibt keine Rückstands-und Hemmstoffproblematik, was sich nachhaltig positiv auf Mensch, Tier und Umwelt auswirkt. Abgesehen davon braucht es folglich keine Wartezeiten und es gibt daher keine finanziellen Einbußen für den Landwirt.”
At the European Antibiotics Day 2019 symposium hosted by the Ministry of Health on 18 November 2019, Health Minister Brigitte Zarfl warned greately against the use of antibiotics: “Antibiotic resistance is a health hazard for humans and animals that must be addressed globally.”
ÖGVH President Dr. Petra Weiermayer made an interesting contribution to the symposium. The great benefit of homeopathy can be seen in organic farming. For several years now, the EU Organic Regulation has required the preferential use of homeopathy and phytotherapy on organic farms. And it has been shown that veterinarians with complementary medicine training prescribe significantly less antibiotics than their colleagues working purely conventionally – with equal success! “But the use of homeopathy in farm animal husbandry has other advantages as well”, summarised the veterinary specialist: “There are no problems with residues or inhibitors, which has a lasting positive effect on humans, animals and the environment. Apart from that, there is no need for withdrawal times and therefore no financial losses for the farmer.”
  Bryonia alba
Original work by Jacques Millemann, summarised by Edward De Beukelaer with additions.
The substance
The remedy is prepared from the root of Bryonia alba, collected just before flowering. The leaves look like vine leaves. The root looks like a turnip. In France the plant is also called the vine of the devil. The whole plant is toxic, and in particular its berries. 40 berries can kill an adult. Farm animals have been killed eating the berries or the whole plant.
The intoxication starts with watery diarrhoea, colic, 12
nausea and increased diuresis. Patients can slump into convulsions, ophistotonus, torpor and death.
The intoxicated animal refuses to move. Temperature rises, there is congestion of the brain and the abdominal organs. There is weakness of the muscles.
The plant has almost no medical use.... apart for causing abortions (almost suicidal abortion).
In vitro, low dilutions of the plant slow the growth of certain bacteria, including staphylococcus lines.
The overriding modality of Bryonia is the unwillingness to move: all movement aggravates. They want to be left alone and even refuse any mental efforts. They suffer
with slowly appearing inflammation, which can affect any part of the body but more typically serosa. (Meninges, airways, liver, peritoneum, liver, joints, mammary glands). Pains are prickling and can be so acute they may cause the patient to cry out. Bryonia is very sensitive to being touched and will strongly defend themselves from being touched, but once stronger, (hard) pressure is applied they will lean into this pressure. Mucosae tend to become dry. (Constipation) Thirst for large quantities – but may not drink often as the patient does not want to move. The patient is worse from light and is dull. The patient is oversensitive (pain and touch).
Grumpy, like their food, do not like contradiction, avoids company, suspicious, taciturn.

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