Page 133 - Malay sketches
P. 133

        Then he returned to his own home to think how
     this was to be worked out.
        The  Penglima Prang Semaun's house was between
     those of the  Shabandar, up stream,  and  Megat Raja,
     down  stream,  and he knew that he was not  strong
     enough  to resist a combined attack from both of
     them.   Therefore he determined that force must be
     backed  by cunning  if he was  to achieve his end.
     He concluded that his  only plan was to attack the
                        of him  first as the most im-
     Shabandar, dispose
     portant,  and then deal  with  Megat  Raja  at  his
        Meanwhile,  Che Nuh had  expressed  his desire tc
     marry Meriam,  but as his relatives  recognised that
     such an  open  avowal of his liaison must lead  to
     trouble with  Megat Raja  and his folk, they  declined
     to allow him to do  this, and Che Nuh's  negative
     attitude towards the  lady only  increased the wrath
     of her kinsman, Penglima Prang Semaun.
        I have said that this  bravo,  for that was  his
            was the henchman of the
     metier,                         Raja Bendahara,
     the highest authority  in the State after the Sultan.
      Penglima Prang Semaun, having  determined to  kill
     the Shabandar,  felt it  necessary  to  report  the inten-
     tion to his master  and, mindful of  possible wrath to
     come,  to ask his sanction.
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