Page 14 - Malay sketches
P. 14


           amongst his own forests, by  the banks of his well-
           loved  streams, unseeking  and unsought.  Whence
           he came none know and few care, but this is the
           land that has  given to, or taken  from,  him the name
           of a Race that has  spread  over a wider area than
           any  other Eastern  people.
              Malaya,  land of the  pirate  and the amok, your
           secrets have been well  guarded,  but the enemy  has
           at  last  passed your gate, and soon the irresistible
           Juggernaut  of  Progress will have penetrated  to  your
           remotest fastness, slain  your beasts,  cut down  your
                   "civilised"             clothed them in
           forests,           your people,
           strange garments,  and  stamped  them with the seal
           of a higher morality.
              That time of  regeneration  will come  rapidly,  but
           for the moment the  Malay  of the Peninsula is as he
           has been these hundreds of  years.  Education and
           contact with Western  people  must  produce  the
           inevitable  result.  Isolated  native  races whose
           numbers are few must  disappear  or conform to the
           views of a  stronger  will and a  higher intelligence.
           The Malays  of the Peninsula will not  disappear,
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