Page 165 - Malay sketches
P. 165


      through  the clouds across the white pillars of the
      verandah, we  thought we  might  have the  good
      fortune to see this  harbinger  of doom.
        We walked out on to the moonlit       and the
      beauty  of the  night was so intense that one felt it as
      through  a new sense.
        The hill on which the house stood was cut into
      a series of       and the       of these, a wide
                terraces,      highest
      lawn of  velvety grass, was surrounded  by  tall  graceful
      coco-nut  trees, not close  together  but each  standing
      alone with its    leaves      delineated
                  spiky       clearly         against
      the  sky.
        Overhead a moon   shedding  that wonderful soft
      light only  seen  in the  East,  where  atmosphere,
             and     the
      foliage,   all     surroundings seem   specially
      designed  to make the  ascendancy  of the Queen of
      Night superbly beautiful.
        The  exquisite feathery  fronds of the  bamboo,
      bending  in  graceful curves, with each leaf  clearly
      defined  against  a  background  of  grey-blue sky ;  a
      dozen varieties of      from the      coco-nut
                       palms,          lofty
      and the            to the thick      of
             stately jagary          clumps   bertam,
      like                               of
         gigantic  ferns ; picturesque groups  flowering
      trees and shrubs on terrace after  terrace, carry  the
     eye  down  to the  shimmering gleam  of the wide
     river on which the  moonlight falls lovingly, throwing
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