Page 11 - Training for librarianship; library work as a career
P. 11
Just now, when conditions are right for
rapid library extension in the United States,
there is a shortage of librarians. A large
city library recently reported more than two
hundred vacancies on its staff. Other
libraries, large and small, are suffering from
similar conditions. Positions ranging in
salary from $1500 to $3000 have been vacant
for months because of the difficulty in find-
ing the right person for each position. Di-
rectors of library schools are overwhelmed
with requests for trained people to fill va-
cancies in all parts of the country.
This is discouraging to library progress.
The town, city, county or industry about to
establish a library loses interest when it
learns that a library in a neighboring com-
munity has been without a librarian for sev-
eral weeks or has been forced to engage an
inexperienced, untrained substitute. The