Page 11 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2014
P. 11

Volume 14, Issue 3
Page 11
As we draw the curtain on 2014 and the end of my first year as your Chairman, I want to reiterate and thank the membership for the trust and honor you have placed
with me by allowing me to serve. We are a proud and strong organization and I continue to be emotionally touched by the nature of your achievements. To quote from John Gillespie Magee, Jr’s poem, "Up, up the long delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace, where never lark, or even eagle, flew; and, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod the high un-trespassed sanctity of space, put out my hand and touched the face of God." This pretty well summarizes the accom- plishments of our members, some of which have carried Thor’s hammer on their journey; some have traveled by rocket power deep into the darkness of space, while others have placed themselves in deadly peril so that others may live.
I take the responsibility to preserve your history very seriously and the way to best accomplish that goal is by continuing to build growth and sustainability into our organization through sound financial management, elevating the visi- bility of our Society, and robustly reinventing ourselves in a digital age. In the last twelve months, we have accomplished much but there is much yet to be done. We have learned that member involvement is the key to sustainability. Each of you knows an ‘American Hero’ because you are heroes yourselves. I challenge each of you in the year ahead to pick up the phone, email, or even write a letter to that acquaint- ance and encourage them to sign up. My fur- ther challenge; is for each of you to ramp up
your own participation and join a chapter, give a gift, schedule yourself in a DFC Society event or Convention, support our efforts in education through the Character Development Program (CDP), or think about charitable gifting as your way to contribute to our sustainability.
Having just passed through the Thanksgiving holiday and we have much to be thankful for. We have been blessed to live in the United States of America, to have served and sacrificed to sus- tain our freedoms, and to enjoy the warmth of our family & friends. I wish each of you joy as we approach the holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year that we can all make even bet- ter than the last.
Bruce Huffman, Chairman
Did you receive an email on Gifting Tuesday from the DFC Society?! We sent out over 2100 emails (to those with current, valid email addresses in the membership data base – yours up to date?) and about 600 were opened and read! To save on postage and handling, the Society is using email more and more as a means of reaching the membership.
Gifting Tuesday was a great example as we are always looking for ways to increase funds in the scholarship
fund. If you never received our Tues- day Gifting email please go to the DFC Society website, Contacts menu, and click on Donations! It’s a tax free do- nation to the DFC Society Scholarship Fund!
The DFCS Directors

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