Page 13 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2014
P. 13

Convention Cont’d
recipient and former POW.
Frank is the author of his book, “Why Didn’t You Get Me Out?” His story was rivet- ing. Sometimes we did not know whether to laugh or cry. There were wet eyes but also hearts filled with admira- tion for this war hero. The
specifics? Buy his book. It can be found at Amazon.
My compliments to the Reun- ion Brat who organized many of the events for the Society; Terry Sullivan who was every- where; Lewis Watt, our best salesman; and, of course, your President, Chuck Sweeny, Board Chairman, Bruce Huff- man, Executive VP John Ap- pel, the Tampa Bay Area Chapter, the Sheraton Sand Key Hotel and Staff and all the other attendees who made the convention exciting and memorable.
See you in 2016 in Dallas - Ft. Worth for a fun time.
not unlike a wounded veter- an. Both need help, love and a friend. It was a great show. Once again, we returned to the Hospitality Room in time to get ready for the grand banquet and program.
Banquets are a military tradi- tion, and this was no excep- tion. Everyone, dressed in their finest, attended a spec- tacular affair. We honored
Korean and WWII War DFC award awardees, heard speeches from officers, and the final speaker was Frank Anton, a retired CWO-4, DFC

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