Page 19 - Kelas XI_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.2
P. 19
Modul Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/ Kelas XI
4. He will leave. (before you reach his place)
5. We will pay back all our debts. (before we leave this city)
1. The children will have eaten all the cake before their mother comes.
2. The fire will have destroyed the whole building before the firemen arrive.
3. The patient will have died before they reach the hospital.
4. He will have left before you reach his place.
5. We will have paid back all our debts before we leave this city.
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah Anda mempelajari tentang ciri ciri kebahasan pernyataan dengan menggunakan Past
perfect, Future Perfect dan Future perfect, pada kegiatan sekarang Anda mampu unutk
berinteraksi dengan menggunakan kalimat kalimat tersebut.
B. Uraian materi
@2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jendral PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN 5