Page 13 - Kelas X_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.10
P. 13

Tabel dan Grafik/ Modul Bahasa Indonesia/ Kelas X Peminatan

                   diamond you are                            Love to see you shine in the night like the
                   I’m on the other side, it’s alright, just hold me  diamond you are
                   in the dark
                   I see this life like a swinging vine       Simile
                   Swing my heart across the line             Love to see you shine in the night like the
                                                              diamond you are

                   Third floor on the West Side, me and you   Metaphor
                   Handsome, you’re a mansion with a view     you’re a mansion with a view

               C. Rangkuman Materi

                  1.   Lirik lagu menggunakan kalimat kalimat pengandaian

                  2.   Metaphor pengandaian langsung dengan objek lain yang diperumpakan.

                  3.   Simile pengandaian dengan menggunakan kata “ like “

                  4.   Lirik lagu menggambarkan suasana, pengalaman, peristiwa, keingann, perasaan.

               D. Latihan Soal

                    Untuk lebih menguasai kemampuan Anda melatih bagaimana menafsirkan lagu, banyak membaca
                    dan berlatih.
                    Silahkan kerjakan latihan ini, jika masih belum mendapatkan skor yang baik, baca kembali dan

                    berlatih kembali.
                    Find the meaning of ech kyrics below by choosing appropriate answer in bubbles

                    MEANING OF LYRICS

                                                             The songwriter
                                                             knows that life is
                                                             but also knows
                       The writer feels his                   he has to take
                         love interest is
                          beautiful and
                      exuberant in the night.                                       It describes a good
                                                                                   personality and very
                                                                                     attractive looks
                                                 Love isn’t defined
                                                    by data nand

                    Choose the right bubles above to find the best meaning
                                        lyrics                             Meaning

               @2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jendral PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN                        13
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