Page 11 - Kelas XII_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.1
P. 11
She has so lonely that she has gone to her home town.
I don’t know why they all ask my opinion.
Don’t you know it is such a huge proposal that it needs some paper.
It is such a bad day that my car got flat tire.
Bagaimana, dapatkah Anda mengisi balon suara dari beberapa percakapan tadi? Saya yakin Anda
dapat menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat pada balon suara tersebut. Jika Anda masih ragu, baca
lagi ungkapan –ungkapan yang ada pada kotak tadi. Jangan lupa mengucapkan setiap ungkapan
yang anda tuliskan.
Let’s do it together!
I don’t know why
1. 2. they all ask my
Good morning, Nina! It is such a bad day
Why did you come that my car got flat opinion.
late to the meeting? tire.
You are such a
nice person that
every one love
you know it is such a
huge proposal that it needs
some paper. What is the effect of this
3. 4. medicine?
It contains so much
Hi, guys! Why vitamin C that you
do you need this will feel energetic.
kind of papers?
This paper is so important
that we can take a note on
our discussion.
She is so desperate that she
I don’t understand why has to go away.
she left her home. Do
5. you know why?
I heard that she has so
lonely that she has gone
to her home town
Bagaimana jawaban Anda? Very Good Job, benar semua, itu artinya Anda sudah memahami
bagaimana meminta dan memberi informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat. Tetapi jika
jawaban Anda masih ada yang salah, jangan putus asa. Pelajari sekali lagi ungkapan-
ungkapan yang ada pada percakapan tadi dengan seksama.
@2020 Direktorat SA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS, dan DIKMEN 8