Page 18 - Syn-Lod 2017 Souvenir Journal Corrected 2
P. 18


             J         OIN                       The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. is pleased to honor

                                                    DR. MARY McLEOD BETHUNE’S

                                                                       142  Birthday
           O           RGANIZE                  Founder of NCNW

                                                 Founder of Bethune Cookman University

                                                Founder of United Negro College Fund

              I        MPLEMENT                 Advisor to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and

                                                 Harry Truman

                                                 First woman president of ASALH (Association
                                                 for the Study of African American Life and
           N           OW

              Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough.

                                                                                     — Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
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