Page 19 - The Heartbea t Newsletter issue 2
P. 19
THE regular meeting of the DuPage County
Branch of the NAACP proved to be an
extraordinary evening as the West Suburban
Chicago Chapter of TLOD, Inc. was honored
with the Silver Life Membership Award from the
Accepting the Award was Chapter President,
Lady Melody E. Coleman.
Also present was Lady Ellen Moore, First Vice- Left to right: Michael Childress, President, DuPage County Branch,
President, and Lady Joy Bowling, NAACP Lady Melody E. Coleman, WSCC, President, Lady Ellen Moore, First
Chairman. Vice-President, Lady Joy Bowling, NAACP Chapter Chairman
Mr. Michael L. Childress is the branch president
RONALD McDonald House Charities formed a We cooked / served
relationship with Northwestern Medical Central • 9 pounds of ground beef (sloppy joes)
DuPage Hospital to open a facility in 2015 expanding • 52 hamburger buns
hospitality and support to families of hospitalized • 3 pounds of white potatoes
children thereby providing a ‘home away from home’ • 2 .5 gallons of punch
for families. After a long day at the hospital, many • 14 pounds of green beans
families are in need of a home-cooked meal. • 10 pounds of fruit salad
Meals from the Heart volunteers work as a small group • 1 - 12 inch pecan pie
(limit 10 individuals) to plan the menu, purchase the • 2 - 12 inch caramel apple pie
ingredients and prepare the meal for approximately This program provides and develops the 2015-2017
15-20 people on site in the kitchen. This service theme: “Investing in VALUES that Support, Enhance
allows families to find nourishment and comfort by and Sustain.”
sharing a meal together.
Volunteer Hours - 300 hours was achieved. These
WSCC,Top Ladies of Distinction formed a relationship volunteer hours include planning and implementation
with Ronald McDonald House, Winfield, IL ‘built in our by Ladies, Lords and Teens. It also includes a required
backyard’, in 2015, this facility supports the families volunteer training session for participation in the Meals
of hospitalized children recovering from premature from the Heart Program.
births and children receiving cancer treatment. Our Advocacy and Accountability - The chapter
participants included four ladies, two Lords, five invested in the 20 families of the Ronald McDonald
members of TTA, one former Top Teen and one House having babies who are either premature and
perspective TTA. One of the chapter’s community living in the NICU or, children with cancer receiving
partners also participated. The chapter members, treatment at the Proton Center at Central DuPage
lords and teens acted as sous chefs, wait staff, Hospital by providing them with a home cooked meal
hostesses, and cleaning crew, before, during and after in a social setting on a Friday night. We were told
the program. that our group ‘lifted the spirits’ of the house as they
The chapter members, lords and teens were watched our group - men, women and teen boys and
responsible for planning a menu, purchasing the girls interacting together in something other than a
ingredients and preparing the meal for approximately sporting event.
30 people. All food was prepared on site, no food Leadership development - Families and staff of the
cooked or uncooked could be brought into the House commented on the idea of the teens being
RMcDH facility.
taught to pay it forward at a very early age.