Page 96 - Total War on PTSD
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 All oils mentioned offer emotional support as well as clinical support. Basil offers energetic support, self-confidence, motivation as well as clears the mind. Ho Wood is calming to the mind, Roman Chamomile calms, soothes, sedates, lessens anxiety and stress, and harmonizes thoughts. Clary Sage reduces anxiety, calms the mind and is emotionally uplifting. Sweet Marjoram calms obsessive thinking, supports self-care, comforts and warms and has a calming effect to the heart and is known to assist with high blood pressure. Bergamot is relaxing, restorative, calming, emotionally uplifting, supports the release of repressed emotion and helps to reduce insomnia and anxiety. Lavender is calming, soothing and nurtures. It encourages balance in all the body systems. It has a strong ability to reduce anxiety and fear. Lavender helps to calm and control panic attacks.
As you can see, Aromatic treatment can offer a great deal of support to those with PTSD and those who live with loved ones with PTSD.
“I wear sunglasses almost all the time outside — not because I think I'm really, really cool, but because of the rays.” - Ronda Rousey
Courtenay: I very much wish that I could go to a movie theater without being bothered by other people in the theater. Nine times out of ten there is always someone texting, talking loudly, kicking the back of my seat, things like that. I can’t stand someone sitting directly behind me... it just drives me up the wall. With my PTSD and anxiety there isn't much I can do about it when it acts up except my first reaction which was to get up and leave the theater and wait for myself to calm down enough to go back in.
While serving with the Seabee's in Afghanistan, during which time I was a Limited Duty Officer (Ensign and former Chief Petty Officer), someone in my Regiment made me a Boot to carry around. It was around a size 14 men's boot and was filled with concrete with a piece of rebar through the middle (top) of the boot to serve as a handle.
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