Page 98 - Total War on PTSD
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 More than 40 million Americans suffer with anxiety? AtEase Glasses LLC has created a drug- free, scientific therapy for that anxiety and in our specific case, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The new answer is in the form of amazing therapeutic glasses patented to relax your mind and relieve your brain from anxiety, stress, panic attacks and PTSD. AtEase blocks distractions and makes you relax. The new, patented glasses give more focus and concentration.
The inventor, Kenneth Finochiaro, has always been passionate about helping others. Believing that focus and concentration would improve performance led Ken to experiment and design glasses to enhance those abilities. The first glasses Ken designed were for his son and grandson to improve their golf game and while the product was being used as a sports training tool, Ken received feedback from a golfer who suffered from PTSD. He thanked Ken for helping him golf, but he was more excited about the impact on his health. By wearing the PTSD glasses, he gained confidence to do everyday things normal people take for granted but he struggled to manage with PTSD. He also appreciated the overall “calming effect” the glasses provided without the use of prescription drugs. As a result, Ken started providing glasses to people with PTSD and waited for feedback. It turns out that the unsolicited feedback was very positive.
The causes of PTSD are many, from childhood abuse, to rape to war. The emotional scars run deep. Traumatic experiences hurt more than our physical selves, they harm our psyche as well. Hiding deep within our brains, and in some cases actually changing its structure.
▪ Neuroimaging studies show that hippocampus can shrink. This is the part of the brain where memory is stored, making it harder for someone with PTSD to tell the difference between present and past.
▪ The prefrontal cortex can shrink as well. This is the part of our brain that controls our negative emotions, like fear.
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