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 mindful level instead. You can read more about TouchPoints at and via the TouchPoint specific links in chapter 45.
Ketamine therapy, as mentioned in chapter 18, is another treatment that has continued to help me along my own path towards recovery. The best thing I can say about this therapy is that allowed me to reconnect...not only with my wonderful spouse...but also with the world outside. Through a combination of this and other personal efforts I have been able to reconnect with my love of nature, photography and so many other things too plentiful to count. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Robert W. Pollack and those at, I have come a long way towards recovering a much more normal life than I had when I started working on this book two years ago. They have my utmost blessings for giving me that gift.
While I have not personally experienced the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), due to non-availability and locality issues on an individual basis, I would be remiss to leave this particular topic out of the here it is in short order. Please look into HBOT and advocate for it in your state and at your VA, if you aren’t already doing so. H.R. 4370 was brought to amend title 38, United States Code [introduced 09/18/2019], to direct the VA to provide HBOT to Veterans with TBI or PTSD. There is a lot of information out there in support these efforts, and many advocates out there in the medical fields who are doing outstanding work in their particular fields as well. While this is still considered off-label, it may only be a matter of time, and constant effort our parts, as well as the medical and the VA, in addition to our congressional advocates, to take this a step closer to reality for the people who really need it. Just one of those
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