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 extraordinary individuals making a big difference with HBOT is Raymond ‘Ray’ Crallé, RPT (USMC, Ret.), a leading Physical Therapist specializing in Neuro-Rehabilitation as well as Sport Rehabilitation, has worked with children and adults with various disabilities as well as Polo players, NFL football players, NHL hockey players and other athletes from around the world. He takes a particular interest in Veterans, and a video relating to his work can be found here: v=azR_Q7Niq1g#action=share. In addition, you can location his current practice website here: One very important change relating to HBOT is the approval of HBOT care in the state of Florida. The Bill reflected at the end of this chapter explains the specific of this extraordinary change in the care of veterans.
More recent news involves that of COVID-19. Of course the story here is what was happening behind the smile — the daily rocket attacks striking the unconscious like a timpani drum roll quiet louder...louder...louder...louder. Building until it was easily observable as the beast that is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This scourge that has blindsided the world, much like Agent Orange continues to blindside our nation’s Veterans, and will continue to do so for years to come, psychologically and physically.
Psychotherapists at the VA began seeing increasing stress on their PTSD patients as soon as the coronavirus threat manifested as a serious life-threatening reality very quickly claiming more American lives than were lost in the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. Speaking with us privately, those same psychotherapists said millions of Americans and others around the world who never before experienced PTSD are about to get a dose of it that could last a lifetime because of the global shocks of COVID-19.
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