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limitations of both conventional dualistic therapies and non-dualistic esoteric spiritualities, I realized that a "spiritual development therapy" that utilized the best of both was needed.
Who are You?
I believe that a person's True Self is a part of the fabric of conscious, non-dual or undivided continuum of energy that makes up everything, including ourselves. I believe this continuum is made of conscious, living energy. As such, it is the foundational, abiding consciousness of all things... indeed a True-Self or Higher Consciousness that is shared with all forms of existence. Being Undivided, meaning Whole or “Holy”, I call this foundational Consciousness the “Great” or “Holy” Spirit. Since all things abide in it, I see it as everyone’s True Self or Spirit-within. Thereby, I believe that all people, and all of life, share in a common True Self, meaning that nothing is separate from the greater, Whole/Holy Spirit that fills the earth, all animals, the sky, mountains, ocean, rivers, and all the green things that live. Esoteric Wisdom TherapyTM, or Esotherapy, explains that it is in re-connecting our awareness with this common True Self that all healing lies. This transpersonal view is considered “esoteric".
Knowledge-Based Conventional Therapies versus Wisdom-Based Healing
During my 20+ years of therapeutic experience in the U.S. and Australia, I noticed that imparting healing without esoteric, transpersonal wisdom is like installing a strong door on a house where thieves come through the window. Conversely, I noticed that processing life events through esoteric wisdom pieced together the results of previous counseling with clients' personal experiences into stable life-transformation. However, it was not until 2010 that I formulated the foundational understandings that helped me formalize this method, which I had always practiced. I, now, call it “Esotherapy”, meaning, a therapy grounded in esoteric wisdom.
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