Page 196 - TWOPTSD
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The effectiveness of this therapy for those suffering from trauma, as well as other mental, emotional and physical diseases has been validated in thousands of healing sessions in different countries. I have summarized these understandings and present two cases in this chapter for the reader to get a sense of what Esoteric Wisdom Therapy is and how effective it is in healing PTSD.
The Medical and Clinical Directors of three of the world’s foremost treatment centers endorse the effective, rapid and enduring results of Esotherapy:
“Most impressive about Esotherapy is its efficiency. It gets rid of the emotional charge of flashbacks and memories involved in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, grief, addictions, explosive disorders, parenting problems. In a handful of sessions the clients we shared made tremendous progress, that would have taken quite a bit of time with conventional psychotherapy and...some of these changes would have been practically impossible with today’s available therapies.”
- Dr. James Seymour, Trauma Services Director, Sierra Tucson (former Medical Director of Cottonwood). ( seymour/); watch his video endorsement: v=VyQwxjldPPo)
“ a person, every single one of those patients has reported to me, voluntarily, that it’s been one of the most transformative and profound experiences they had here.”
- Dr. Tena Mover, Medical Director, Sierra Tucson: ( about/staff/tena-moyer-md/; watch her video endorsement: http://
“In 4 or 5 sessions, I have seen our residents make a shift out of old patterns of thinking that they had been stuck in, often for many years.”
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