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Esotherapy arises DIRECTLY from the guidance of the Higher
Consciousness. The “still, soft inner “voice” of the Great/Holy Spirit* is not found in the din and clamor of any science OR religion. It is found in the stillness of the soul, provided we can quiet our noisy minds enough to hear it.
The sayings of Jesus and Lao Tzu are NOT the roots of Esotherapy, because our philosophy developed in parallel, as a result of our own deep meditation and contemplation practices.
The sage wisdom of these masters however, do offer two independent affirmations of the healing principles that Esotherapy is founded on, and for this reason they are quoted in the following text.
*Footnote: Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, One Spirit, Great Integrity or Tao, the spirit of YHWH, are all synonymous terms used by different esoteric teachers, such as Jesus, Christian Mystics, Lao Tzu, Taoist masters, Native American and Aboriginal Australian Holy People, and Jewish mystics, in order to refer to the Living Spirit of Oneness, the Essence or Higher Consciousness that permeates and unifies all of Creation. Here, we have chosen to use Holy Spirit, not because of a personal or religious bias, but because, “holy” means “whole”.
The difference of what we did with the present Higher Consciousness message is that rather than organizing it into a different religion or writing books about it, we organized it as an imminently practical therapy for individuals, for families, and for the betterment of humanity.
To understand the origins of Esotherapy we need to examine the meaning of the word es·o·ter·ic (e-sə-ˈte-rik). The Greek root “eso”, translated as “within” or
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