Page 201 - TWOPTSD
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To understand why dualism is the root cause of all diseases, it is essential to deprogram the subtle misguidance society has instilled into us. We’ve been taught that consciousness is something we have. However,
The implications of this fact are key to healing. Consciousness, in a general sense — is me, just as Consciousness, also, in a general sense — is you. It follows that, humanity taken together, is a part of a general, greater, Consciousness-at-Large embodied into many individual forms.
Hence, there exist two understandings of the world, reflected as two types of consciousness:
• Dualistic consciousness is the conventional view of our world as consisting of individual divided entities, which function separately, with little or no interchange, often competing for existence.
• Non-dualistic, spiritual consciousness is the understanding that there is only one general Essence that comprises all the temporary individual forms of existence, while only the universal Essence is enduring and important. This Oneness worldview is backed by Quantum Physics.
As Buddha said,
“the mind is everything”, and
“what you think you become”
thus, dualistic and non-dualistic types of consciousness have sweeping effects, not only on individual health, but also on the health of family, society, and the world, as well.
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