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Medical/Orthopedic massage, and have actually taught it for 10 years. This modality encompasses many different massage techniques in a focused way, such as Trigger Point Therapy, Cross-Fiber Friction, Positional Release, Muscle Energy Technique, Myofascial Release, etc., with the aim of normalizing damaged or dysfunctional soft tissues. It is crucial to be knowledgeable about pathologies and injuries that I may be presented with and to know what techniques may be helpful or harmful in each case.
Since I also earned a degree in Exercise Science and was certified as a Health/ Fitness Instructor by the American College of Sports Medicine, I can advise my clients on helpful exercises and stretches to address some of their simpler problems. In seeing so many Veterans, I have worked with many injuries and old wounds from their service.
One of my favorite techniques to use is Myofascial Release (MFR) and Myofascial Unwinding. These modalities are very effective for softening scar tissue, separating adhesions, and freeing up layers of tissues that have become stuck together and hardened. Since MFR doesn’t push hard into the body but uses lighter pressure to actually pull the tissue layers up and apart, restoring movement and fluid flow, it is relaxing and non-threatening to an already traumatized body. Body tissues often hold on to painful memories and emotions by tightening up, forming “energy cysts” or what many people refer to as “knots”. Some of the trauma that is held by the body in this way will be locked away and cause pain, and can be difficult for self-awareness to access unless unlocked. Releasing the energy cyst with slow, gentle, mindful touch can help the client let go of the difficult memories and emotions as they become
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