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problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, mood disorders, kidney damage, diabetes, impaired immunity, etc.
It is important to let the body and mind experience the Parasympathetic state so that a person can learn how it feels and can find ways to get there more often. Massage therapy can be very effective at bringing a person into this state, and helping them relax and feel at ease, so that it becomes a more normal state of being. We are hard wired to enter the fight or flight state more easily, since it is critical for survival in a dangerous world, but we need to be able to switch into relaxation mode when possible for long term health and well-being.
Many of my clients at the Veterans’ retreats suffer from insomnia, anxiety, hyper- vigilance, and depression. We have found that MFR, aside from the physical effects of normalizing tissues, can also induce a deep trance-like state in which the nervous system can reset the “tension thermostat” and experience profound relaxation and healing. This state is extremely restful, switching the body into Parasympathetic mode and allowing that neural pathway to become stronger. Many clients fall asleep while I’m working, to their surprise, and report to me the following day that they had their best sleep in years that night. This gives them hope and motivation to know that there is a way to find peace and rest. Myofascial Release also includes Craniosacral work, which gently works with the bones of the skull to restore the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which nourishes and protects the brain and spinal cord. This essential flow of fluid can become uneven or blocked in places, from trauma, tension, or illness. When the flow is hindered it can lead to many complaints including
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