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 CHAPTER 22 - MENTAL HEALTH IS NOT THE THIRD RAIL IT USED TO BE Andrew P. Bakaj, Esq., Managing Partner, Compass Rose Legal Group, PLLC (
Source: ChapterAuthor
When Courtenay Nold asked me to write a chapter for her book concerning mental health and security clearances/federal employment, I accepted to do so without reservation because I knew how important this topic is to so many individuals. I was happy to see that someone was leading the way to help those who have served our nation in harm’s way — the “Warfighter”. As a former member of the Intelligence Community, I can say with confidence that this certainly applies to members of that community as well. Frankly, it applies to everyone — period.
A little about myself: I am a private practice attorney leading a Washington, DC-based law firm specializing in national security matters, federal employment law, and security clearance matters. I am a former Senior Investigator with the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General and a former Intelligence Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General.
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