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In my capacity as a private practice attorney, I have — and continue to — work with clients in getting them psychological help. This is often in the context of me helping them fight for their security clearance or their job. In fact, as I write his chapter, just earlier today I was on the phone with a mental health professional coordinating a referral for a client. I do this because I am helping them fight for their careers. I also do this because it is the right thing to do for them as a fellow human being.
I recently represented an individual who is a military officer and who served in highly sensitive operations overseas. Upon returning from multiple special assignments in a variety of locations, he began self-medicating as part of coping with stress. His self- medicating began with increased alcohol consumption and gradually morphed into the officer purchasing prescription drugs absent a prescription via the dark web. At one point, he had a realization that what he was doing was not just illegal, but physically harmful to himself — and his growing family.
The officer did something brave. He self-referred himself to a military hospital, informed his chain-of-command, and got help. His senior officers and colleagues were 100% supportive, and he has since rebounded tremendously. He has been successful because he became an active participant in his own recovery. He worked with the doctors and counselors in finding treatment that works, and he complies with all treatment programs. He is, by all accounts, doing well.
Now, the type of drugs he used and the means by which he acquired them became a clearance concern. Going to counselors and psychologists, however, never became a concern. In fact, because he self-referred the facts and documentation supported his good judgment and responsible actions to do the right thing. Seeing the doctors was not a liability. To the contrary: it became the underlying evidence supporting his ability to retain a security clearance. As a consequence, his career will continue to blossom because he did the right thing for himself.
Another category of clients I represent are whistleblowers — that is, individuals who lawfully disclose violations of law, rule, or regulation through authorized channels. The
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