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 I met my first Wolf in 2008 by way of a shiny blue special construction motorcycle parked along the curb. It caught my eye and like a tractor beam I was drawn to it and met Paul, my two legged Wolf. At home he had two four legged Wolves, one an exquisite tricolor Alaskan Timberwolf named Alaska and an imposing, superior black beauty named Shadow. I can safely say without equivocation that seeing myself in the eyes of these three, felt like the first time I had ever really been seen. Those golden eyes looked into me, not at me and saw me...whole. It was then hard not to see myself that way too.
A wash of acceptance, an initiation if you will, took my heart and I have never been the same since. They chose me as special enough for their pack family and fated to meet. Wolves however, do not discriminate. After ten years and the thousands of individuals who have met them and the rest of the pack we raised, everyone gets initiated into the pack. When they look into you, they share who they are. There is no other experience like it. This is what they do.
As the original dog, (God spelled backwards) man has known now for over 15,000 years that they are our kindred species. After centuries of near eradication Wolf recovery and
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