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studying Wolf behavior is teaching us more about our original nature, our authentic nature and the loyal, tribal, families we are; meeting the emotional bonding necessary for healthy, thriving, sustainable communities.
While studying the Wolves and Wolf pack dynamics to develop our educational programs, I was pleasantly surprised to know that many squadrons throughout the armed forces had named themselves and model the Wolf pack. Very early after establishing Shadowland Foundation we got a call from the Space Superiority Systems Wing stationed at Ft. McArthur Air force Base in El Segundo, California. They called themselves The Wolf Pack.
We were asked if we could bring our Wolf pack to honor their Wolf pack for a ceremony and picnic afterwards. At this time, we had not only Shadow and Alaska, but Takoda, our Alpha male and their seven three month old puppies.
We packed up all ten with a handful of volunteers and made our way to the base. If you could just imagine wrangling three month old puppies who are the size of medium size dogs and that get car sick just looking at a truck. One of the puppies was recovering from a very tricky back surgery so he had his own very special volunteer. Leaving him at home was not an option. No wolf gets left behind.
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