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P. 750
guess I'll never really know. Today is today and it's what I have. That's just the way it's going to be.
They talk about how many Veterans a day commit suicide. I really feel that, if the powers-that- be want to stop this from happening, that they (the military and the government) has to change their mentality about these military personnel coming back that have experienced PTSD, trauma, etc. This is my point...when an individual goes into the military, during basic training you learn about teamwork. You look out for your buddy and your buddy looks out for you. If something happens to your buddy then you let them down because you didn't look after them. You not only let him down, but you also let the unit down, and you let the military down...and you let his family down because you didn't take care of him and look out for him. Now the military in this day and age says to you, if you're hurt or you're having problems when you come back that you ask for help and that it's not a career ending situation if you seek the help you need. Well, that's a lie. The reason why it's a lie is because when these people come back with problems because of what they saw or what they experienced and then they seek help they do get treatment...but then they get kicked out of the military. Before they kick them out, they separate them from everybody else. So basically, they are taking them away from their buddies, and their buddy routine...and people looking after each other. When they are already feeling guilty enough about being hurt, some people are chastised because they are perceived as being weak because they couldn't deal with something they saw or something they did that was too difficult for their brains to even process. So there goes the one big family and one big team concept. So, these people are alienated, away from their unit, and the next thing they know they are discharged, essentially kicked out of the military. We have to change this train of thought.
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