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P. 751

 There are some who admittedly just can't function anymore. But you take these people who have given so much, who have devoted their entire lives to their service, giving of themselves and believing in the system as a whole; and they are just ripped apart and thrown out the door with the message that they'll be taken care of. But you weren't supposed to be separated, you weren't supposed to be kicked out. But they kicked you out after they told you to seek help if you were having problems...and that you wouldn't get kicked out. This all erodes these people's sense of self-worth because they've contributed a lot of themselves, tried to do the right thing and tried to do the best that they could. And they're abandoned and pushed off to the side...and feel like they are a failure. These people still have a lot to offer, it might take them a little longer, but they are still part of the military, and they have served honorably. I just think disposing of personnel in this way is totally wrong. What happened to me was that I was medically discharged out of the military, and then I had to fight the VA...and that has been a constant fight with them ever since. That only serves to add further to the anxiety of it all. You just got done going through one horrific thing being separated from your team and people you care about, and then you have to fight another entity and try to prove something that you shouldn't have to prove. They don't take in the military who have physical problems or mental health issues.
The first time I went into the VA, they told me my signs and symptoms were not severe enough for them to help me and that I would have to go get my own help, so that's what I ended up doing. At the VA, the OEF/OIF Coordinator asked me how I 'really' was...and then said, "let's just get you in to see the doctor and get you some drugs." There were five of us who were Flight Medics, and we were separated from the rest of our unit. Towards the end they didn't even want us to come in on drill weekends...they didn't want us to be there. I was on the Honor Guard and I
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