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Titus the Mastiff - Joe: I was a Combat Medic and served in the U.S. Army from April 2006 to December 2014 during which time I served in Afghanistan from January 2007 to May 2008 and in Iraq from June 2009 to June 2010. I would definitely return to the war zone if I was called to do so. Things were easier...and I'd rather it be me than someone else. The Army taught me discipline. But I think, from a negative perspective, that, at times, I got caught up in a "who cares" mentality. Because of my own experiences, and from my having to deal with the VA, I don't think I would recommend that family or friends join the military. I just don't trust the way they are doing things now.
I got out of the Army two weeks after my divorce was final. My wife had cheated on me, lied about me, and my command was doing the typical Army thing of taking her side. I wasn't in a good place when I got out. Then waiting on the government to pay me I was feeling pretty hopeless. I actually had a day that I had decided that I was done. I put everything in order and actually had the gun in my hand when Titus came up and licked me. I remember looking at him and thinking, "Who is gonna take care of you like you deserve if I do this?" I went through all the names in my head and couldn't come up with anyone who I trusted enough to take care of him like I did. I threw the gun in the drawer and said, "Fuck it...we'll figure it out tomorrow."
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