Page 871 - TWOPTSD
P. 871
lions) on Pier 49. He’s walked the strip in Vegas to a ballistic boutique (again a huge thank you for those 5.11 tactical socks on that hot day). He has been on the streets of Tombstone, Arizona. We have car tripped across the U.S., been on a boat, and many more things I’m sure that I’m forgetting. I guess my meditation would be being in the woods with the dogs and doing our thing...and going riding on my motorcycle. With my new sidecar, Titus and I are bound to have many more adventures and to go where the road takes us. I never thought a dog would be closer to me than pretty much any human on this planet. Yet, here we are.
Things can be difficult having such a large dog as a Service Dog. I've been accused of just trying to bring my dog places; people are just scared of him; and some people just get angry because he is in the same room with them.
There is just something about dogs that they just know what’s going on and somehow know what to do. I believe this of all dogs but I know my boy has it. On a cross country trip, we stopped in Texas to see some friends who are also vets. Titus had been doing SO good the entire trip. We met up with one buddy and his wife. They met Titus and literally right after getting the first pet from my buddy my 200-pound English Mastiff shocked the hell out of me by jumping up and putting his paws on my buddies' shoulders so they were face-to-face. Titus had NEVER done anything like this before...not even when he was playing with me. Right before I snatched on his leash to pull him off my friend, he started licking my friend’s face. And they were those big Clifford, your entire face at once, kinda licks. Yet again, something seemed rather out of character for Titus. At that point my buddy just hugged him and started sobbing. He had been going through a lot at the time, unbeknownst to everyone else, and was on the verge of a
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