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prescription drugs. As a result, Ken started providing glasses to people with PTSD and waited for feedback. It turns out that the unsolicited feedback was very positive.
The causes of PTSD are many, from childhood abuse, to rape to war. The emotional scars run deep. Traumatic experiences hurt more than our physical selves, they harm our psyche as well. Hiding deep within our brains, and in some cases actually changing its structure.
▪ Neuroimaging studies show that hippocampus can shrink. This is the part of the brain where memory is stored, making it harder for someone with PTSD to tell the difference between present and past.
▪ The prefrontal cortex can shrink as well. This is the part of our brain that controls our negative emotions, like fear.
▪ The amygdala, which helps process our emotions goes into overdrive.
Put this all together and it’s no wonder a war movie can trigger a memory of a bad battle with a Veteran or a rape victim can break into a sweat in a parking ramp that resembles where they were attacked.
Ken had been working with Dr. Wes Sime, a PHD and Psychologist, to refine the golf glasses and asked Dr. Sime what he thought about use of the glasses for PTSD. Dr. Sime had done in-depth studies of trauma reduction in first responders with PTSD and conducted brain scans of PTSD patients using the glasses. The results proved the glasses helped quiet the brain, reduce stress, anxiety and even panic attacks. Dr. Sime asked Dr. Jim Nedrow, OD, MS., FAAO, DIPL, NBEO, to conduct VEP testing (visual evoked potential) on PTSD patients. Again, positive results. The investigations proved the PTSD Relief Glasses to have high value in quieting the symptoms of PTSD. The inventor continued to do research and development and now holds the Patents for this technology invention. Mr. Finochiaro brought together a group of consultants to evaluate the glasses and prove their effectiveness. The consulting group is as follows:
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