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 enhanced performance through a drug-free and non-invasive approach, that calms, soothes and focuses the brain drives us to evolve and deliver the best products and services that we can. To the world, this product looks like the coolest sunglasses of the season. To the wearer, these lenses calm and focus the brain, resulting in improved performance in life, work and play.
Optometry is normally concerned with ocular health and correction of eye problems such as vision and visual systems that can hinder the sight in humans. In the optometry industry, the demand is governed by changing healthcare practices, eyewear fashion trends and demographics. There is significant demand for leading edge technical solutions to fill the need for productive treatment in this field. The total vision care market in the United States generated about 34.54 billion U.S. dollars, with annual services expenditures growing toward $40 billion annually. With the development of areas like Behavioral Optometry and Vision Therapy the industry needs resources to deliver efficiency, effectiveness and most important, help and healing. Thinking in terms of Behavioral Optometry which is described as how the brain uses the eyes to gather information and how the brain processes that information to form a response AtEase is on track to provide a valuable tool for treatment in specific cases.
The total U.S. vision care market generated about 34.54 billion U.S. dollars with annual services expenditures growing toward $40 billion annually. The industry needs resources to deliver efficiency, effectiveness and healing.
▪ 28 Million adults suffer from PTSD during their lifetime.
▪ 37 Million people suffer from migraine headaches in their lifetime. ▪ 6.4 Million ADHD patients treated annually.
▪ 3.8 Million sports related concussions annually.
AtEase provides the scientific technology that delivers therapy through highly specialized and patented glasses. This solution is a unique combination of optical relief and focus, which eliminates distraction, calms the brain from noise and activity that
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