Page 914 - TWOPTSD
P. 914

 I was sexually assaulted twice while deployed, once by a brother-in-arms, and once by an Afghanistan local. There are at least three others, and countless harassment situations, which wears on you emotionally and changes you psychologically, forever. This in itself has its own set of triggers, which have contributed to, along with combat, my alienating myself. I have one, maybe two friends, that I talk to and can trust, occasionally, and my boyfriend. That is the gist of my social network and friends. Lizzy makes it all bearable. I have multiple personal traumas from my home life, before and during the military as well, that I am dealing with, that also contribute to my PTSD and anxiety. My other physical injuries came from my tour of airborne operations/Jumpmaster duties for 10 years at Ft. Bragg, NC; military physical conditioning, and repetitive wearing of combat gear over 29 years.
Lizzy, My English Black Labrador and my Service Dog, I got from Semper K9 Assistance Dogs in Woodbridge, VA, and I have had her since May of 2017. Blade, my Shitzu, I got from someone I served with in South Carolina. Blade is just a little ball of anxiety but that's part of his breed. He's also my sidekick. Lizzy started her training with Semper K9 when she was only eight weeks old. She was trained for 12 months while living with her "K9 Coach," and, with the help of the owner, she learned all of the basic tasks and proper social behaviors. Once Lizzy was identified to become my Service a Dog, tasks were added to her training that were tailored specifically to my needs.
Lizzy is trained to assist with both my physical issues and my PTSD. She has learned my particular triggers/behaviors after we were placed with each other. She came already trained to stay by my side, no matter where I go, and was simply a very sensitive and intelligent dog.
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