Page 915 - TWOPTSD
P. 915
When I am triggered by something, be it noises, crowds, someone brushing up against me, she will distract me with her nose nudges, leaning up against me, or placing her head in my lap. Distraction for me is one of the better methods to take my focus away from the triggers. There are times that something triggers my anxiety or PTSD and I'm not even aware, but she can sense a change in my mood or my movements, and immediately begins to comfort me.
While Service Dogs aren't trained to be proactive (the owner of Semper K9 told me a story of a dog in training where this didn't work well), Lizzy has learned my special dislikes, and I think she is being reactive to me, in a positive way. I do NOT like being too close to people; I like my space. When someone invades that space, I tend to take a step back. Lizzy will usually move to where she is between me and another person, and very covertly, I believe, sit or lie in front of my feet; thus 'making' my space for me. I also have recurring nightmares for which I take medication. When the nightmares exceed the medication, or if I'm simply taking a nap, she is aware by either my talking in my sleep, making noises, or tossing and turning. She moves up closer to me, usually lying up by my head on my pillow (it's really funny, but amazing) and will either put her paws on me or nudge me to wake me up. If it's less severe, she'll simply lay next to me, pushing up against my body, which somehow soothes during sleep. I believe she is letting me know that I'm not alone. All of this is what makes it possible to go out occasionally, be it to the store or out to a restaurant. It's not often, as I've learned to do all my shopping online, but it is by far more than I did just a year ago. I feel safe when she is with me. Lizzy is mobility trained as well. Due to failing health from my numerous injuries, she does most of the lifting and retrieving for me. It's almost impossible for me to bend over or reach down and pick anything up so she does all of that for me. I drop something, she runs over and picks it up for
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