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 self-defense, causing more pain. Finally, the irritability, frustration and short-fused temper takes over. Sleep is always tough.
I struggle horribly with anger management issues. My initial trauma related injuries have been overshadowed by institutional betrayal. As a result of the actions that saw me awarded our countries second highest award for bravery, I developed and was diagnosed with PTSD that went untreated for years. Anything would have helped. I pre-date Critical Incident Stress debriefing.
Some may say, "That is not their job". Exactly. I will concede that point. So, it begs the question as to why the Crats, including the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) are blocking access and funding to a resource that has demonstrated significant positive results for those who suffer? The Crats, including the CMO are truly clueless when it comes to Service Dogs. Some may say that judgment is both harsh and untrue. If I concede the point that they do understand (and I am not) then their heel dragging becomes willful obstruction of the provision of a viable adjunct to Veterans. This same group of Crats will fund inpatient treatment for 10 weeks to the tune of $70,000, have no recidivism or relapse numbers and will hammer you full of pharmaceuticals for life yet cannot understand that the 24/7/365 presence of a well-trained Service Dog is beneficial.
I have Thai, my Service Dog, who I got in August of 2012. She was trained by CARES (Canine Assistance Rehabilitation Education and Services) — Concordia Kansas. Thai is on me like white on rice whenever I escalate, have anxiety attacks or panic attacks, and whenever I disassociate. The other night I had a hellacious go with my night terrors. These things are brutal, ugly and draining. Thai had her "'A' game mojo" going and she really helped haul both my arse and my headspace out of the depths of darkness. Thai is the most un-retrieving
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