Page 929 - TWOPTSD
P. 929

 Retriever you have ever seen. If you throw the ball twice, she will go and get it. But if you throw it a third time, she will look at you like "I don't think so." Reason being that she already got it twice and she has no intention of going and getting it a third time. The one thing that will get her into trouble is her nose. Because of all of her work is very scent related, she has been a very strong sniffer all of her life. So, if we take her to the beach, for instance, and throw the ball twice, after the second throw she will be off sniffing the sand trying to find anything interesting scent wise. Whenever she is off-duty, she will always have her nose to the ground, trying to smell something. That's just her and the way she is.
Munich and Thai are pretty solid little buddies. They have daily wrestling matches and just hang out together. We do try to limit our dog’s exposure to other dogs because, if they get sick, then it makes things much harder for us. We had a case about two years ago at Christmas time, that one of our handlers’ dogs contracted kennel cough and even though our dogs were inoculated, it didn't work against the strain that he had. So, for about three weeks we were kind of limited on going out because our dogs couldn't go out and work. It wasn't fair to them because they got sick from it. So, we tend to keep to ourselves a lot.
My wife has a Mobility Assistance Dog named Munich. He did work as a Trauma Therapy Support dog in the Seastar Child and Youth Advocacy Centre. He transitioned to being a Mobility Assistance Dog after it became apparent that his overly empathetic personality was causing "sympathetic" anxiety episodes with a handler. So now he is mostly a professional cuddler. Thai is as subtle as a brick through a window...and Munich is a marshmallow.
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