Page 960 - TWOPTSD
P. 960
From that incident I had some physical pains, a severe headache for several days, visual issues and short-term memory problems.
Another one was from an RPG explosion. The lumbar disc and knee injuries were sustained when a guy who weighed about 75 more pounds than me landed on top of me. Basically, his weight folded my body where it wasn't meant to be folded.
I was the medic for a small team, and I didn't want to leave my team and there weren't replacements available, so when I could be treated for my issues without leaving my team, I did...and that was a majority of the time. I knew that SPECOPS as a whole was suffering shortages. I also knew pretty much that if I left, I probably wouldn't make it back, and I didn't want to do that. So, the other medic helped treat me and I got through it...and I stayed in the field with my team. One time, I took a resupply convoy back to Bagram Airfield and checked in with our lead SPECOPS doctor about everything, and made sure I didn't need to get anything done additionally, had some x-rays taken, checked on the extent of the shrapnel, and then went back to the sticks the next day. A lot of it was to avoid popping up on the 'radar' and getting forced out of theater.
I have both a pet dog and a Service Dog. My pet dog Shomali...I brought her back from Afghanistan. I always said that, if I got her home that I'd spoil her rotten for the rest of her life, and here she is. She was kind of a wander up, fire base dog. There were three dogs that were recognized and allowed to stay in the compound. At least they were allowed by our team, if not by official policy. She hated Afghans. She barked the minute she smelled someone so she was a good alert dog. She would also hear the rockets long before we could. She would hide for two
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