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reasons, one from thunderstorms and two from rockets coming in. So, when she hid it was usually pretty obvious whether there was a thunderstorm coming or we knew otherwise to get ready.
I would call her a Darwin Dog or a Taliban Hound. Everything about her seems to be an evolutionary thing for the climate and environment she lived in. You can see features in her from the traditional Afghan Hound, she is brindle and double-coated, and she has a lot of the pattern markings of an Anatolian Shepard. One of my interpreters, when he saw her, said she looked almost perfectly like this breed that came to Afghanistan from Japan and was this fierce guard type dog that would guard royalty. He was saying that you don't see this sort of dog here she really is purebred.
The other dog was the attack and guard dog. He didn't make it. The third one was pretty much like a therapy dog. She was a feel good, love on her type of dog. She died over there as well. So, I said I'd get Shomali home, whatever I'd have to do. So, I traded some favors and was in touch with the Minister of Agriculture to get a certificate allowing her to leave the country. I got a SPECOPS Veterinarian over there who was willing to get me a health certificate on her and found another Veterinarian who had a contact in Frankfort, Germany who would receive her and they also got a kennel shipped over from the U.S. at no cost. So, we got her from out the sticks to Kabul, into a safe house, to the airport, to Germany, and then American Airlines to her home in Charlotte, NC. She was my battle body over there. She helped to keep me sane. She is a great little dog, and a true sweetheart. There was a bond, still is, and a non-judgmental
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