Page 375 - Total War on PTSD
P. 375
375 of 1042
[Per above image, see note below]
R. (2018) Whole Therapist, Whole Patient – Integrating Reich, Masterson and Jung in Modern Psychotherapy. Retrieved from Whole-Patient-Integrating-Reich-Masterson-and-Jung/Frisch/p/book/9781138562363 — Chapter 16, Progression into Trauma)
Hardships can be integrated in treatment, illuminated in the conscious mind, parsed out cognitively with specificity, experienced emotionally and biophysically, and reworked repeatedly until situations are better integrated into the flow of the person’s narrative without needing to be sequestered, partitioned off, hidden, and dissociated but rather absorbed, incorporated, and accepted.
Anyone who has been in therapy likely has their story to share, but it is likely the emotional effect is buried and the story line can become defensive in nature. For the