Page 31 - NHBRC Flipbook
P. 31


                                                                                                                                                                       the odds

                                                                                                                                                                  Disele Sophia May refused

                                                                                                                                                                  to let a traumatic and

                                                                                                                                                                  difficult life dissuade her

                                                                                                                                                                  from pursuing her goal to

                                                                                                                                                                  run her own firm, Sabuh

                                                                                                                                                                  Trading Services, which she

                                                                                                                                                                  registered in 2012, writes

                                                                                                                                                                  Sue Grant-Marshall


                                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘Try not to let
                                                                                                                                                                                                negative, even destructive,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 events in your past life
                                                                                                                                                                                                  keep you down. Move
                                                                                                                                                                                                  forward with intention
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and vigour’

                                                                       SITTING PRETTY Disele May Sophia is now at the top of her game                                                                         PHOTO: ELIZABETH SEJAKE
                                                                       In the beginning                                                                                             Overcoming obstacles
                                                                         Her mother’s words, uttered during Disele Sophia  THE COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE                                   “The Isithelo Epitome Group is a financial institution
                                                                       May’s matric year, helped to change this dynamic  Have your say the right way                                owned by young black women and men in Gauteng.
                                                                       entrepreneur’s life.                                                                                         They charged me a low rate of only 7% for loans,
                                                                         “If you do not want to be like me, someone who                                                             which made borrowing feasible for me.
                                                                       cannot support her family, then go ahead and stay  Home builder response times  (municipalities need the       “I build good relationships with my clients to fast-
                                                                       away from school,” said the poverty-stricken widow of  . The home builder must  occupation certificate).     track payments.
                                                                       four daughters.                                  respond within specific periods  . Proof of notification to the  “I also ensure my staff know what is going on and
                                                                         May was born and brought up in Lehurutshe near  from the time it receives the  home builder within the     inform them at least a week in advance if I foresee
                                                                       the North West town of Zeerust. She was five years old  complaint, as specified in the  necessary time periods.  payment problems.”
                                                                       when her father died, leaving her unskilled mother to  table below:             . A full list of items of dispute  Disele also makes a point of being hands-on at her
                                                                       raise four girls alone.                          Nature of complaint:         notified to the home builder.  sites and is happy to work at night if necessary.
                                                                         “She had never worked, so I was sent to live with my  Period for response to the  The NHBRC may deal with a
                                                                       aunt and her husband near Krugersdorp. They abused me.”  NHBRC or action available  complaint in one of the
                                                                         The teenager ran away to live with another aunt in  . Three-month noncompliance  following ways:           Next step
                                                                       Soweto whose poverty was so dire that when May   – 21 working days.             . Accept the complaint.        “I plan to build my mother her dream house in
                                                                       wrote matric, she was desperately hungry. She failed.  . One-year roof leak – seven  . Advise that the complaint  Evaton North in the Vaal Triangle,” she says.
                                                                         “My mother had come to Joburg from Zeerust and  working days.               falls outside the scope of the act,
                                                                       begged me to rewrite, warning me of a dreadful life  . Five-year major structural  and notify you of this decision
                                                                       without education,” recalls May.                 defect period – seven working days.  and the reasons for it.  Dreams and goals
                                                                         To her mother’s relief, she agreed to retake the  . Deposit theft or irregularity.  . Request that the parties  May dreams of becoming a professional contractor
                                                                       exams and became a receptionist upon matriculating.  Refer complaint to the police’s  resolve the matter through legal  with the ultimate aim of developing student
                                                                         “We needed the money so badly,” she says.      commercial crime unit.       proceedings, as the matter falls  accommodation “because I’ve identified a gap in the
                                                                         May’s husband, a prison warder who she had been  . Contractual disputes. Refer  outside the scope of the act.  market there. When matriculants leave home, they have
                                                                       dating since she was 16, suggested that she register a  these to your legal                                  nowhere to live”.
                                                                       company, which she did in 2005, “even though I was a  representative/attorney.  Home builder’s responsibilities  She would also like to build low-cost rental
                                                                       rural girl from Zeerust”.                                                       The home builder shall:      accommodation for disadvantaged people, which they
                                                                         However, as the years passed, her husband began  How to lodge a complaint:    . Confirm whether it denies or  can eventually own “because I struggled so much with
                                                                       abusing her. He beat her so badly that her front teeth  . Phone the NHBRC’s toll-free  accepts the complaint.  this myself”.
                                                                       are still painful. And today, after two operations, she  number on 0800 200 824.  . Confirm when any
                                                                       manages to hold her right hand upright, but struggles  . Complete the complaint  rectification work or any other
                                                                       to grasp a pen firmly with it.                   form.                        appropriate action will start and  NHBRC is important because…
                                                                         May took refuge at a Lenasia shelter for abused  Include the following:     end.                             “It empowers us women working in the field of
                                                                       women and it was while she was there that a friend  . Proof of the occupation date  . Arrange necessary access to  construction on a national basis. It gives us knowledge
                                                                       suggested to her that she attend a course at the  of the home, if applicable  effect rectification.          of networking skills in relevant industries that will help
                                                                       Khuthaza Construction Career and Enterprise                                                                  us to grow our enterprises.
                                                                       Development Centre in Johannesburg.                                                                            “I am also learning so much on this NHBRC course
                                                                         “It was a two-year course, which I did in 2010 and                                                         that we are doing at the Gordon Institute of Business
                                                                       2011. I learnt the theory of bricklaying, painting,                                                          Science,” says May.
                                                                       roofing, costing, tendering and marketing.”
                                                                         May also acquired building industry skills at the
                                                                       Gauteng Master Builders’ Association in 2011.
                                                                         Then she began knocking on doors. In 2012, she
                                                                       worked on the refurbishment of Joburg’s Park Station.
                                                                                                                                                                                    TALK TO US
                                                                                                                                A project in partnership with the
                                                                       Hurdles                                                                                                      Email projects at, tweet @City_Press
                                                                         “I needed capital to start my first project because I         NHBRC                                        #OppIndex or SMS us on 34263 using the keyword
                                                                       needed specialised people to work for me – and they                                                          PROJECTS and tell us what you are interested in.
                                                                       cost money,” she says.                                                                                       Please include your name. SMSes cost R1.50 each
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