Page 39 - NHBRC Flipbook
P. 39

CITY PRESS, 25 MAY, 2014


                                                                       STANDING TALL Lerato Seepe keeps an eye on work at a construction site in Midrand                                                      PHOTO: ELIZABETH SEJAKE

                                                                       Building on                                                                                                                                Q

                                                                       a big future                                                                                                                                  A

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Monde Sontashe from
                                                                                                                                                                                                       East London poses
                                                                                                                                                                                                         a few questions:

                                                                       Lerato Seepe started her working life as a teacher in                                                                       Who is funding the council

                                                                                                                                                                                                   besides the government?
                                                                       Mahikeng. She used her skills to train construction workers                                                                 Registration Council is a self-funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The National Home Builders’
                                                                       and today is the owner of construction company Phehla                                                                       organisation. Operational funding is
                                                                                                                                                                                                   largely drawn from the builder
                                                                                                                                                                                                   registration fee and the inspection
                                                                       Umsebenzi Trading 133, writesSue Grant-Marshall                                                                             fee. The enrolment fees go towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the council’s warranty fund, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                   provides consumers with cover
                                                                                                                                                                                                   against major structural defects for
                                                                       In the beginning                                                                                                            a period of up to five years from
                                                                       Lerato Seepe’s earliest memories are of the tuck shop her      A project in partnership with the                            date of occupation.
                                                                       teacher mother ran behind their North West home in Lich-
                                                                       tenburg. “She always wanted us to be independent. When         NHBRC                                                        Is there any other income/
                                                                       I matriculated, I followed in her footsteps,” says Seepe.                                                                   contribution that the council gets
                                                                         She attended the Lehurutshe Teachers’ Training                                                                            to run its activities?
                                                                       College before obtaining her higher diploma at the                                                                            Yes, we are working with various
                                                                       University of Pretoria.                                            building grades. Until recently, mine was low, yet the   provincial departments of human
                                                                         When Seepe turned out to be a terrific fundraiser  TIP            average construction company won’t enter into a         settlements to assist with project
                                                                       fortheMahikengschoolatwhichshewasteaching,     The future is         joint venture because they see me as competition.”     management of their subsidy project
                                                                       she realised she had to follow her passion to own  for those who learn  This is where Tladi came to Seepe’s rescue. “I also  developments for which we do
                                                                       and run a business. She resigned in 2006.                            needed  money  because  construction  is  a            charge a small project management
                                                                         “But I started by opening a catering business.  today. Patience,   capital-intensive business. I had to buy building ma-  fee. Also, the council established the
                                                                       I wasn’t sure what to do. I was all over the place.”  perseverance and  terials, hire big machinery and pay wages on time.”  Eric Molobi Housing Innovation Hub
                                                                         Part of her learning curve was being accredited  endurance are                                                            in Soshanguve, which provides
                                                                       to train construction workers in bricklaying,  the keys to                                                                  materials testing to the market for
                                                                       carpentry and painting. “I hired qualified builders  success       Overcoming obstacles                                     a fee.
                                                                       to do the work while I oversaw the on-the-job training           Seepe bravely cashed in her insurance scheme, her sav-
                                                                       and learnt at the same time.”                                  ings and sold her car. She regards it as fortunate that she’s  What is the relationship between
                                                                                                                                     not lost any of her original employees from Mahikeng.         the council, consumers and
                                                                                                                                       “You need loyal staff who understand how you work.          municipalities, or legislation/
                                                                       Getting started                                TALK TO US:    I have 20 permanent staff and about 16 temps, depending       regulation that governs the same?
                                                                       As Seepe’s interest grew in construction, she began to  projects@  on the work I have. I also have an excellent book-keeper.”  The council was established by
                                                                       subcontract to big companies, doing small jobs even though                                                                  the Housing Consumers Protection
                                                                       she initially found the going tough in an all-male industry.                                                 Measures Act. What we do is
                                                                         “But there were enough men who were eager to assist  or tweet  Next step                                                  governed by this act and its
                                                                       me as they realised it was a two-way thing. I got the job,    Seepe wants to interact more with construction companies      regulations. We have a direct
                                                                       they helped me to get the materials and they taught me.”  @City_Press  to build up contacts to help grow her business.      relationship with consumers in that
                                                                         Seepe’s break came when she met Rachel Tladi, owner                                                                       we have a responsibility to protect
                                                                       of a Krugersdorp construction company, Uvuko Civils.  #OppIndex                                                             them from poor building practices
                                                                         “We got to know each other at a workshop for women          Dreams and goals                                              and shoddy workmanship.
                                                                       in construction. She started helping me with joint ventures   Seepe wants to develop into an established entity so she        Municipalities, and the national and
                                                                       and I moved to Joburg in 2010, although Mahikeng is still     can participate in building offices and shopping malls.       provincial departments of human
                                                                       a strong base for me.”                                          “I also want to empower emerging women contractors.         settlements are key stakeholders of
                                                                         Tladi became Seepe’s mentor and helped her become           Look at how I have been helped by Rachel Tladi.”              the National Home Builders’
                                                                       involved in projects that Uvuko was working on.                                                                             Registration Council. The council
                                                                                                                                                                                                   provides quality home inspections to
                                                                                                                                     NHBRC is important…                                           the homes built by the government.
                                                                       Hurdles                                                         “It’s a sector that will help shape the excellence of my    . For more details, visit our
                                                                       “Getting government contracts because they look at your       workmanship and will hopefully lead to bigger contracts.”     website at

                                                                                                                                                     There’s an NHBRC office

                                                                                                                                                     closer than you think

                                                                                                                                                     Accessibility is an important operational point for the NHBRC. Our footprint in all 9 South African
                                                                                                                                                     provinces allows us to carry out our core function as the Regulator of the home building environment.
                                                                                                                                                     From builder registrations and home inspections to any other matter related to the quality build of new
                                                                                                                                                     homes. So whether you are in Mthatha or Musina, our services are closer than you think.

                                                                                                                                                     To find your nearest NHBRC office visit

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Assuring Quality Homes
                                                                                                                                                     Toll Free Number: 0800 200 824 / Fraud Hotline: 0800 203 698 / Tel: +27 11 317 0000

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